The prophet is one who sees beyond present circumstances by glimpsing beyond the Veil to the Future. This is the purpose of the prophet. I was called into the prophetic ministry in 1991 through direct utterance by one of the most recognised prophets of the modern era – Kim Clement who began mentoring me in the United States in 1994.
I married my soul-mate and BFF, Wendy~Lee in 2003 and we went on to co-found the ministry. Wendy~Lee is undoubtedly the more stable personality in our relationship and has a special grace from the Lord to deal with my particular brand of crazy!
Together our vision is to re-ignite & restore the authentic prophetic so that it would be embraced by the Church. We are proud parents to Caleb (14) and Hannah (11).

Our mission is to raise a generation that would be vitally relevant in both the secular & ecclesiastical world by allowing the Spirit of God to express wisdom, knowledge, understanding, revelation, power, signs, wonders and luminosity to every sphere of human endeavour & activity.
I am a prophet.