God is drawn to Himself. God is drawn to His sound in you! God is attracted to His image in you!! He is magnetised to Christ being formed in you – and this is the Hope of Glory!
In natural atomic world in physics: like repels like. But in Theonetics™ (the study of the protocols of God / the way God works) LIKE is attracted to LIKE!
God does not respond to unbelief. God only responds to the Sound of faith. God responds to the sound of His Word within you!
The Mystery of High Laws
Another High law that we teach is the Law of Spiritual Observation and can be succinctly defined as follows:
It follows from the natural law of observation which states: that the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed.
It is not a case to advocate that God follows quantum law but rather that things in the natural world (whether atomic, subatomic, microscopic, macroscopic or telescopic) follow after a pattern and intelligent design! Intelligent design implies a Designer. A Designer called Jehovah.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made – even his eternal power and Divinity.
Rom 1:20
All probabilities (possible outcomes) pertaining to your life exist simultaneously by the manifold wisdom of God. This is omniscience!
Everyplace you could ever be, at any time you could ever imagine, doing everything you could possibly do: God is tracking it all! It all exists in God all at the same moment!
We understand from Jeremiah 1:12 “… for I will watch over My word to perform it.” that there exists a direct correlation between watching (observing) & performing (executing)!
This is because He is weaving the tapestry of your life together with all possible outcomes of every other soul on the planet in conjunction with His perfect will and in synchronisation to His own determinate counsel and timing of seasons. And that is not even a hard task for God!
Attracting God
I really do believe we need to give God more of a reason to look at us. We need to attract God’s attention!
The Patriarchs understood this! They built Altars as beacons of Memorial!
The prophets understood this! They did unusual things trusting God with uncommon faith!
David understood this. He refused to give to God anything that did not cost him something!
Cornelius understood this. He gave alms generously & prayed to God always.
The Woman with the Alabaster Box of perfumed oil understood this!
The Woman who reached out & touched the hem of his robe understood this!
The centurion who said “Just send a word” understood this!”
Uncommon faith attracts God. Unusual faith moves His hand!
Spiritual Attraction – It’s a High Law
“As a man thinks, so is he.”
– Proverbs 23:7
When it comes to prophetic thought lines, one hardly interprets scripture at the fundamental literal interpretation. There are four levels of interpretation to scripture and the mystical sense being the highest of them. Based on Prov 23:7 here are three other ways (each equally valid and true simultaneously) of understanding it:
“What U C U B!” (What you see; you become) ~ Kim Clement
“What you focus on – is what you make room for!” ~ John Paul Jackson
“What you look at – looks back at you!” ~ Greg Abel
In 2006 there was a book called The Secret that was written by Rhonda Byrne that became an overnight best-seller. I am very familiar with this book. Reading it I was astonished at the spiritual dynamics that it described. But more alarming to me was the fact that everything was accurate in concept but devoid of one critical element: It sought to eliminate God and redefine man as a god creating his world by his own thoughts.
Essentially it suggests that you can draw all good things to your life just by thinking positive thoughts and that the universe – not God the Father – will bring it to you!
The Laws of God have been counterfeited by those who don’t know God – neither do they understand why this law works and the way in which it does!
This book is harmful to Believers. It is what we call dark light and it will damage your soul! Anyone who agrees with this book and the thought that the universe can give you anything is in violation of Romans 1:25 “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served creation rather than the Uncreated Creator – who is forever praised. Amen.”
This amazing force called the Law of Attraction that has been counterfeited by the New Age! The Mystery of this Law is a system that existed before deception ever entered the heart of man!
It is a system where the way to be exalted is to be humble. The only way to be truly alive is to die to self!
It is a system which the New Age has inverted and perverted!
This ought not to surprise any of us who understand that this is the standard modus operandi with anything that the god of this age – the one who deceives the whole world – touches! Just look at how the secular has stolen and appropriated the rainbow symbol.
The Law of Attraction is not about how the Universe gives or takes away; it is about how the Kingdom of God has been set-up to operate. I call these: Protocols.
Spiritual Polarisation
LIKE does attract LIKE! But only if you become like the One whose law it is! And in order for us to become like we must reduce the worldly & dark influences in our lives and increase our spiritual polarisation!
A negative discharge will always attract a positive Heavenly reaction!
In quantum physics we see this concept with electrons. The more electrons an atom discharges the more positively polarised the atom becomes.
At a spiritual level when we talk of a negative discharge it means ridding ourselves of the elements in our lives that hinder us from being positively polarised!
So to apply the Law of Spiritual Attraction we must learn the power of subtraction. We must learn how to let go of personal agenda and selfish motivations!
-VE DISCHARGING is the shedding of the dark things that so easily overtake us.
+VE CHARGING is the cultivation of Godly things that we so easily forsake.
In Kingdom Dynamics or Theonetics™ we must begin to understand and practice our spirituality as Jesus did!
Even when we are receiving it is always because of an action on our part where something has left (subtraction) us first.
The Law of Spiritual Attraction works under these 2 requirements from you:
1. Your actions must be deliberate!
2. Your actions must be unselfish!
This is the biggest distinction between a Kingdom understanding vs secular or New Age understanding. The real “Secret” is to understand our motivation in doing what we do!
If we exclusively undertake an action in order to receive some benefit – we already lose the correct polarisation because of the attitude of our hearts and the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for us!
When you allow yourself to decrease (-ve), God will allow an increase (+ve)
- In order for the widow at Zarpheth to receive her endless supply , something had to leave her hand first. This is also the Mystery of the Law of Sowing & Reaping.
- In order for the Elisha to receive the next level anointing and a double portion of Elijah he had to abandon his own pursuits.
Whenever you give out of & from yourself – you create a -VE discharge which attracts a +VE charge from the Kingdom of God – because by doing so you are beginning to look more like God! God can only be attracted to the image of Himself in you!
In a nutshell…
The more conscious and deliberate we become in discharging negative dark light from our souls through the work of the Holy Spirit of Truth in our lives, the more positively charged we become! That is the light that attracts God to us and every single blessing then flows from the Father of the lights.
James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Give God a reason to be attracted to you today!
p.s If you want to hear our full teaching on this then check out this link: The Mysterious Law of Spiritual Attraction