These are tumultuous times indeed! There are spiritual events transpiring at such an accelerated pace that unless we remain walking in the Spirit, we could miss what God is saying right now. Actually in Hebrews we read:-
While it is said, Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts…
Heb 3:7 KJV
God is always speaking! It is up to us to determine if we will hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
Sometimes the things that God says are not what we want to hear! It’s not all candy floss, unicorns and rainbows! That’s is why the writer of Hebrews (quoting King David the Warrior-Poet) says “… be careful not to harden your heart.” Why?
Why does he need to say that? Because very often when we hear something that isn’t sweet to the ear or contradicts our paradigms, confronts our theology, or causes us to have to leave our comfort zone – we rebel against it!
In the Book of Revelation the phrase “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches ” is used seven times in the King James Version script. Hearing the NOW word (rhema) of God is a choice we have to make! We all want to hear God speak – right up until His voice makes us uncomfortable and then we harden our hearts! This is why it’s a choice.
The Spirit of God has been expressing His thoughts to me for a while on this particular issue and has taken me even longer to fully seek out the understanding and meaning of it.
It’s vitally important that you hear what the Spirit is saying.
If you make the choice, then this will be the turning point in your health, marriage, business, relationships, career, ministry – indeed in every aspect of your earthly life and spiritual walk.
I was in Singapore, May 2017 in the hotel elevator with Wendy when God spoke to me:
I want you to prosper in everything. I want you to live well. But it’s determined by what you have in your soul. What is in your soul son?
Now I’m sure that you’ve already made the connection with what God was speaking to me with the scripture at 3 John 1:2 –
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (KJV)
Did you notice that John the Revelator is saying that, the level or degree to which we prosper, and/or obtain the health and healing of God, and success in life – is directly related to the level or degree that our SOUL is prospering?
This has absolutely nothing to do with going into periods of rest and recuperation! Your soul does not prosper because you rest! Natural rest is very beneficial for mental and physical refreshing. But spiritual people need to understand soul prosperity from a spiritual perspective.
If natural rest was all that there was to soul prosperity then anyone taking a vacay, staycay or getaway from the stresses of life, or from their victories or defeats would be walking in prosperity of soul. NO! Soul Prosperity is the result of something very, very different!
The Garden of Your Soul
In Genesis 2:7 we find that man becomes a “living soul” – nefesh – which literally means “to take a breath!”
BUT what this means is that the BODY (the case that God created, wherein resides His Image) became animated – or brought to life i.e. QUICKENED – by God’s Breath and man the entire vessel became ALIVE!!!!!
Your soul has to be inspirited by the breath of God in order for it to prosper!
In Genesis we read that a mist went up and watered the garden. The same is required in the Garden of Your Soul. The mist of God – the ruach – has to permeate and water your soul.
The Sound of the Lord God has to move within and throughout the Garden of Your soul.
In prophetic terms we call this the “unaccountable impulse of God” that creates forward momentum in our lives. i.e. a prosperous soul.
If the Garden of Your soul is flourishing because it is being watered by the illumination, revelation and inspiration of the breath of God – then your Soul is prospering!
What does it take?
Prayer. Communion. Intimacy. The Word. (both logos & rhema of God)
Pray: Set aside time to do it. I’m not big on 5am prayer meetings with everyone screaming “Shayunda Rabanada!” There is a time for spiritual warfare and when done correctly (following the appropriate protocols and rules of engagement) is something every Believer has to engage in.
But I’m talking about personal prayer time that is not focused on your shopping list but centralised around the Will of God and Kingdom Agenda.
Communion: Join your soul to the Lord. Bond. Become one spirit with Him. We do this by sharing our deepest emotions with the Lord in conversation with Him and laying our burdens upon Him and taking on His heart for ourselves and others.
Intimacy: Or as my mentor, Kim Clement, was fond of saying Into-Me-See.
We practice intimacy and transparency in worship. Sing to the Lord a new song. Extol His virtues. Express your heart before Him. Sing out a Love Song. It doesn’t matter if you cant hold a note or sound like a screeching cat – make melody within your heart and let it escape on your breath. This is well pleasing to God.
Read the Word. Hear the Word. Nothing transforms a dying garden like fresh rain on good soil. Make time to study the word of God. It will renew your mind. Forget the 5 month reading plan and the star chart for completing it. I know atheists who have done this and nothing in their lives has changed.
Reading the Word for the sake of reading does nothing for you. But search the scriptures. Seek out understanding. Cry out for revelation and meaning. Listen for the whisper of the Holy Spirit illuminating things to your soul. I suggest starting with the red letters (for those who don’t know this reference – in some bibles the words of Christ appear in red.)
[On a side note reading translations like The Passion Translation (TPT) and The Message Bible (MSG) might be acceptable (barely) for contextual reading but they are useless to study from!]
Soul Secrets
What Does your soul represent? It represents your innermost thoughts! We commonly define the soul as the vessel of the mind, the will and the emotions.
When your soul (your innermost thoughts) are synchronised with what God is thinking about you (and God is always thinking good things about you – Jeremiah 29:11) then everything in your life even your health must flourish!
As I began to search out God’s heart on this, I soon began to realise that the Spirit was taking me on a rabbit trail that would ultimately explain why certain things were not progressing as they should in my own life and in the lives of His people.
Are things just not working out for you? Do things seem to be going wrong for no reason? What is the reason why your soul may not be prospering? What is the root cause of so many things not flourishing as God intends it to for you? It is because of SOUL DEFILEMENT!
This is pretty much the moment when you are faced with the choice to hear what God is saying right now or harden your heart because you’re feeling uncomfortable because of a mindset or your prevailing church theology.
What is Defilement of the Soul?
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1 Corinthians 6:19 (KJV)
I am not talking about sin! Yes there is defilement through sin but I’m not dealing with that.
The status of sin is diminished in the light of revelation!
What I am saying as God began to show me, is that unwittingly and unknowingly our souls may have been defiled because we had allowed something foreign to enter into it. And because of that access, there are things in our lives that are not flourishing as He wants them to flourish! Why? Because defilement brings a curse!
Don’t get religious on me about this. You can tell me all about how you don’t believe in a a curse – but much like the Law of Gravity – whether you believe it or not, it still exerts a force! You might NOT even realise that much of the woes and ills and distresses of your life that you are experiencing right now may be because you have unknowingly been defiled and you are under that kind of curse – a dark attack, an uninvited invasion of the enemy right now!
But TODAY God wants to FIX the problem, bring light into the temple and bring you to A SEASON OF SOUL PROSPERITY so that everything in your life can FLOURISH and even your physical health will experience rejuvenation and restoration and begin to prosper! YESSSS!!!
Defilement from Divination – The Great Deception
And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: 17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
Acts 16:16-17
Were her statements true? Yes! But look at what the word divination means. The Greek word used here is puthón (python) which we read as divination. What’s the big deal you might ask?
If you are tuned into the the wrong tree (or the wrong frequency) you will produce the wrong type of fruit (or the wrong output).
The spirit of pythos is the imitation of the Divine! This is the great deception of our times. It seeks to control the narrative and convince you of an illusion until you’re comfortable enough to accept it. And then its too late.
There are consequences to allowing a voice to enter your soul that is not the voice of God but a false image from the soul of another or through the whispers of the enemy – and they are very negative!
But these voices are not necessarily overt. These voices are not necessarily from the pulpit or even worse a Jezebel behind the voice at the pulpit!
A big part of the voices we entertain today are actually social and news media influencers and commentary. They shape our thoughts. We incline our ear to them. We invite these voices of dark opinion into our souls, unhindered and without caution, and become defiled for it.
On a personal spiritual note I am very opposed to pseudo-revelation! Someone passing off a motivational, hyped up message from the pulpit as a dynamic revelation from Heaven when in truth it is merely some inspirational thought that was received eating coco-pops one morning is imitating the sound of the Voice of God!
Pretending to convey a message from heaven is the same thing as Divination.
God does impartation not importation.
Importing something from somewhere else and inculcating it into your church culture is called assimilation. God hates that! He always has.
An Invitation to a Season of Soul Prosperity
God wants us to enter into a season of soul prosperity. God wants that for you! God wants the same for your church!
Yes the church too has a soul! And God is both warning to guard against the danger of a possible future defilement and opening our eyes so that He can fix the issues right now! Let he who has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
It starts with us! As we embark on a journey to diligently implement the spiritual disciplines that the gardening of your soul requires and the soul of man responds to – you will being to see all things starting to flourish around you!
Not only that, but your health (your physiological & biological functioning body) dramatically correspond to your cultivation!
Adam’s job in the Garden was to “tend and keep” or “cultivate and guard.” A deeper study of the words show that in combination, tending or cultivating is a form of keeping. Is it not remarkable to think that God created a beautiful Garden but required man to keep it beautiful and protect if from being defiled?! The same is true of your soul!
I cannot go into a complex teaching in a journal entry but if you want to understand more, you need to get to the Remnant YouTube channel on this link and hear it and receive it for yourself, for your family, and even your church. It will transform your life and liberate you.
Make sure you listen all the way to the end as we experience Prophetic Disruption and the Spirit of Prophecy speaks to our lives!
Share this journal entry with those you have in your heart so that like you – they too might come into a new Season of Soul Prosperity as all things may begin to flourish in our lives!