Way back in 1907, Anna Jarvis campaigned for a day to honour all mothers. This day is commemorated and celebrated as Mother’s Day, typically on the second Sunday of May in many western countries. So – Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s out there. As William Ross Wallace wrote, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.“
Mother’s Day got me to contemplate on all the courageous mother’s in the world. Whether teen mums, single mothers, working moms, home mums – there exists a bond between mother and child that is unique. Like a mother and cub, the natural instinct to nurture and protect against every perceived threat is a force to be reckoned with! But what if the threat is a silent assassin that is almost undetectable? What lengths will you go to to protect your child? Spiritual mothers: I pose the same question to you!
I am heavy hearted as I write this journal entry. I received confirmation early last week of the passing away of someone I knew and have met on multiple occasions on my ministry travels. Someone with whom I interacted and exchanged a few messages with. Someone that was taken by suicide. I was (and am) incredibly impacted by the news. I found myself weeping for someone I had only a casual acquaintanceship with. But now I am growing increasingly, righteously angry.
Last year on the 20th October 2018, I released a Prophetic Alert of certain things that the Spirit of God had permitted me to see. One of these was that a spirit of suicide had gone out on assignment into the earth. Today I am going to discuss that Prophetic Alert and share more insights into it. The original Prophetic Alert can be found here. I will reproduce portions of it in this post but I do suggest reading the original post as it contains a vision and interpretation that has already begun to manifest in the earth.
The Spirit of the Lord has begun to show me a specific generation that must be birthed before the end of time. Satan is trying to abort that generation so that they will not fulfil their God-given destiny. Why? Because he is afraid. Satan is afraid that they will embrace the purpose for which God has kept them and begin to live in dominion with their foot on his throat because they will carry an anointing for deliverance!
This generation that must come to full term is not bound by the rules of religion but will suffer religious persecution. They are not traditional but will endure traditional oppression.
What they are however, is ridiculously radical, curiously cavalier, brazenly brave and daringly dangerous to the powers of the kingdom of darkness. God has reserved them in the back side of a desert where He has hidden them from the enemy. But He is raising them up and bringing them out of their own caves even now!

This is why there is a spirit of suicide that has gone out into the earth. It has been released from the pit by the adversary of our souls. And because satan has zero creativity he hasn’t even come up with a new strategy. He has tried this tactic before! And failed.
When the deliverance of Israel was at hand, the innocents were massacred to prevent a Moses from being raised up. When the deliverance of the world was at hand the children were once again slain to prevent the Messiah from arising. Now once again – the enemy is trying to stop a generation from giving birth to a new identity by plaguing it with a foul smelling spirit that knows no distinction in terms of ethnicity, sexuality, gender, philosophy or religious affiliation!
Why is this? Because the enemy is trying to prevent a new order, a ‘NEXTGEN’ from coming into their full potential and purpose. Much like in the time of Moses and Jesus, the enemy doesn’t know the specifics of what God is going to do, but the mere whisper of it in the heavens has prompted a tactical response to wipe out as many of a generation as possible.
This is a Wake Call!
This spirit of suicide has been released into the earth to accomplish a singular purpose. It’s target is a generation that is a perceived threat or future threat to the kingdom of darkness. This abominable spirit is tasked to attack the youth from as young as twelve years old! It’s assignment is our sons and our daughters!
Let me state this quite strongly and overtly: suicide is a spirit! An evil, vile, abhorrent spirit whose strategy is to whisper into the souls of men and women and defile them to the point of utter despair and defeat. It is no respecter of age, nationality or culture. From east to west; from north to south – the Spirit of the Lord has shown me this insidious plan to eliminate the threat to the gates of hell from the next generation church – by stealing hope!
Without the discovery of purpose one cannot ever activate their potential. Devoid of purpose life is without vision. Without vision we dwell without intent. Without intent there is little hope. When hope is deferred we wane into depression. Depression invites the oppression of the spirit of suicide.
Do you realise that the enemy wants to stop the next Billy Graham, the next Kenneth Hagin, the next Kim Clement, the next Myles Munroe, the next John Paul Jackson, the next Kathryn Khulman, the next Maria Woodworth-Etter, the next Esther, the next St Paul, the next John the Baptist, the next Elisha, the next generation of threat to his kingdom from rising and taking their rightful place to pierce the darkness?!
The god of this world wants to steal, kill and destroy the very ones that God has gifted with unprecedented purpose and potential by blinding them to their future and the hope of it. He is whispering lies into their souls that they are worthless, spiritually incompetent, and unworthy of redemption or any kind of love and grace that will see them live complete, fulfilled and victorious lives! This is from the very pit of hell and is roaming the earth now.
The spirit of suicide along with its evil twin spirit – abortion – is responsible for the assassination of the “who’s got next?” generation of Kingdom giants.
Make no mistake here. This spirit is not just stalking the sons and daughters of disobedience who are not yet Kingdom citizens and family, but has found a hole in the wall, a break in the hedge, and is now hunting a generation inside the Church too. And our leaders are blind to it, ignoring the warnings of the Watchmen on the Walls.
I’ve often stated that in these modern times of “signs and wonders” ministry, many significant leaders and upper echelon church hierarchy employ the “fake it in the hope that we will make it” strategy. This means that many will try and import what they esteem but (as I wrote in The Emperor’s New Clothes) it will be devoid of anointing!
Thereafter, the pressure is felt by everyone in the church and ministry to measure up to something that is bogus to begin with. Not only has the church now been defiled and a curse brought into the house, but most congregants and even some of its leaders won’t be able to match the tone of the false standard now being set!
Suddenly good Christian, church-going believers begin to feel emotionally inadequate, spiritually impotent and intellectually ignorant to the point that they begin to believe they cannot “make the grade” or “keep pace” in comparison to others who seem to be super spiritual and on a level too far above to emulate.
This spiritual stress factor is very real and is leaving many in the church setting disillusioned and despondent. Ultimately, it is the perfect milieu for the spirit of suicide to dip its gnarled fingers into the minds of young and old alike and whisper hypnotically seductive thoughts of death into their souls.
What’s At Stake?
This generation just might be the most spiritually dangerous threat to the gates of hell that the earth has known since the days of the early apostles! Oh they might not look too ‘christian’. They might not quite fit into the mould of the old. They probably don’t speak ‘christianese’. But then the promise of God never appears the way we expect it to! It is always unusual in its manifestation and appearance.
In Kingdom terms, a generation is not characterised by age but by their gravitation toward, and response to, a specific sound or utterance in the heavens at a specific season or time!
It really doesn’t matter whether you are sixteen or sixty, whether young or old – you can be part of the next great thing that God is releasing if you will just catch a hold of the spiritual sound that is echoing in the heavens and begin to identify with it on the earth in your spirit and by faith. If you do, you will surely see it begin to manifest in your life and you will become the unique expression of it in a powerful way! You would have discovered your purpose and will begin to realise your potential.
This is exactly what’s at stake! There is a sound that God is releasing. No it’s not the final trumpet. No it’s not a call to escape. For far too long the church has been captivated by and has caressed the “I’m a-getting-outta-here” mentality. This is not what God wants. This is not God’s plan.
God’s plan is to receive to Himself a glorious, victorious, dominant Church who knows her Election and that is this alone: “to the intent that it might be made known now to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places through the intermediate agency of the Kingdom called the Church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He brought into effect in the Christ, Jesus our Lord!”
Prophetic Disruption
For many that are outside the Kingdom, they have lost hope in a Babylonian system that was always designed to fail them. Worse still they see no light in the tunnel because religion has failed them equally if not more so! But this is something that is no longer an external to the church issue. No!
There is a generation in the church disgruntled with the traditions that men vainly cling to and despairing of the illusion that is seemingly always within reach but never in hand! In a sense an old order whose glory is fading and a current order enamoured with their own glory, is causing an entire generation to commit spiritual suicide that manifests in both spiritual and physical death! Strong words? Yes. True words? Absolutely.
However you view it, the cunning scheme of the enemy is to cultivate a culture of hopelessness and acceptance of the status quo with the all too common paradigm:
“Nothing’s going to change. This is a mess. I’d rather not live another day than have to live like this. I’m never going to measure up to what my family and friends expect of me. I’m never going to be as spiritual as Mark or Mary. I can’t make the impossible grade. Life is too difficult. I’m the weakest link in the chain. This world is better off without me. I just can’t cope anymore.”
When people begin to entertain this voice they are opening the door to a spirit whose sole purpose is to eliminate a generation that God has great plans for!
But God has caused me to see a promise! God has put into my heart a declaration of His intent. I am not interested in what the enemy of our souls is trying to achieve. I’m righteously angry that he even thinks he can prevail.
We will not and cannot shrink from our command to “be the light in a dark place” and stand against and defy this marauding, evil spirit. We must hold onto what God prophesied that He will accomplish!

God spoke to me some time ago and said, “In a single generation I will change the expression of Christianity and I will slay the marauding spirit of suicide. I will send hope and the sound of light into the hearts of men and women and I will bring into the Kingdom a greater harvest in the next 9 years than in the last 30 years! For I will cause such a shift and a shaking that whatever is not of My design and purpose will fall away and what is left I will mould into the perfect vessel of light.“
“Men and women shall walk by My Spirit, says the Lord, and they shall be a lighthouse. They will stand upon the rock Christ Jesus and shine into the darkness and their light shall invade the kingdoms of this world. I will not conform, says God, to a pattern of religion – I will break the horse and rider – I will break even the mould and transform a generation in the tomb into a butterfly whose effect shall be felt in every sphere of this world that I created! I will do it! I will do it! I will do it so that I may draw men and women to my side in their millions and hundreds of millions, says the Lord!“
Satisfaction and contentment are directly related to fulfilling your purpose and potential. It makes life worth living! Godly hope is a shield of light against the dark maleficent voice of suicide.
Prayer Community: A Place Called HOPE
I want to be able to be an agreement partner with the people of God. Perhaps you know of someone who is at the point of desperation and needs interventive prayer? Maybe you might simply need someone to come into agreement with you concerning the burdens of your own heart? Whatever it is, whatever your need, I want to pray for you. God will respond.
We’ve opened up an email channel where you can write to me directly and I will pray over every request and need. Send your prayer request to us directly via email to hope@thesoundoflight.org or even better – join our Facebook Community Group called HOPE!
We want to stand with you. We want to stand in the gap for you. It would be our privilege.
Knights of the Light it is time now to rise up and throw off the oppression of traditions and veils of limitations, the illusions of glory, and to walk in the Spirit seeking after Truth and Righteousness. May we never deviate from the First Protocol of the Covenant of Grace: “… seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
There is more to walking in the Spirit than trying to cultivate the gifts of the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit means living in a zone of Divine Access and bearing fruit thereof.
It’s time to shake the earth with the Sound of Heaven. You’ve got Next!