The prophetic landscape has always been one shrouded in a great deal of mystery and in this current day and age much abuse. There are churches and church leaders who embrace and celebrate the prophet and the prophetic and some who barely tolerate its very existence.
But here’s the truth – the ministry of the prophet and the prophetic is not going anywhere! Actually, its going to increase and abound.

Joel 2 records this quite clearly and it is witnessed and claimed by Peter in the Book of Acts.
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath
Acts 2:16-19 (KJV)
That tells me that the prophetic will increase upon the face of the earth. Encoded in the Joel prophecy are conditions! Many don’t see or even recognise them. But they are right there.
Part of the dilemma with prophecy is that the recipients do not understand what the conditions are or that they exist and then summarily dismiss a prophecy if it does not come pass and fail to realise that perhaps they did not meet the required criteria.
In Joel’s prophecy we recognise the following:
- The Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh (and this means regardless of gender. It does not imply on every person even those that do not know God)
- Men and women will begin to prophesy.
- Dreams and visions will abound in differing degrees of maturity (young men v old men)
When those days are upon us (and they are) we will need to recognise two different streams of the prophetic.
The first is those who speak forth a word being divinely inspired to bring edification, exhortation and comfort to others. This is done within the confines and context of prophesying from the logos (the Scripture) to another person or church.
The second is those who prophesy the now rhema word of God into existence on the earth. It is a creative type of word that catalyses spiritual protocols producing visible manifestation.
But there is a condition associated to the latter stream! Ready for it? The key phrase that implies the condition is “on My servants and on My handmaidens”. Did you notice how God switched the pronoun from “your sons and your daughters”?
In the original text the word ‘servant’ is rendered – bondslave! In biblical Greek it is translated as doulos which defines a servant completely devoted through love (without self regard) to the cause of another. Do you see the condition now?
When the bondslaves prophesy (and this is one of the traits that distinguishes an ascension gifted prophet from one with a prophetic gift) Heaven responds: “and they shall prophesy: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath”
Prophets are servants by design! They are the ambassadors of God’s thoughts. I’ve counted no less than twenty times in the original texts of scripture that the phrase “servants the prophets” is used by God in reference to those He appoints to convey His mind. One of the most widely known scriptural references is Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets!
Differing Prophet Types
I have come to understand that there are various types of servant prophets. In my studies and experience I’ve distinguished no less than 7 different types with each serving a specific function and role to the Body of Christ – the Church.
But beyond the seven different types of servant prophets – there is coming upon the earth now a shift in the way prophecy is received. It will always be by the Holy Spirit. There is no other way. But God is using ‘novel’ means! And the Spirit of the Lord began to reveal to me that one of the new means is that receiving prophecy through dreams is going to become more frequent!
I don’t want to touch on the subject of visions in this post as that would take me a month to teach on just the basics and longer to explain the distinctions between the Prophet and the Seer.
But wouldn’t it be great if you could receive insight into your present circumstance or even the future through your dreams?
You Can Receive Prophecy Through Your Dreams!
Did you know that you spend approximately one-third of your life sleeping? Did you know that one-third of the scriptures is devoted to dreams and visions and prophecy that comes forth as a result from having them? By the time you reach the age of sixty – you would’ve spent twenty years sleeping! Imagine if in those twenty years you could be visited in a dream (or vision) by the Spirit of the Future – the Holy Spirit!
In my years of teaching on dreams and visions and how to interpret them I have all too often found that people have a dream but do not realise that God was speaking to them directly about their current situation or even the future because they did not accept that this was a mode of divine communication.
Yes, interpreting dreams and visions is a different matter altogether and is a very mature process that requires a great depth of scripture to decipher the metaphorical language God employs in dreams!
Dreams are very much a mystery. We know that it is God’s prerogative to conceal a thing and the right of kings (and priests) to seek out an understanding! But none of that prevents you from having the dream in the first place!
And this is what the Holy Spirit whispered into my spirit today – that He is going to increase the frequency of prophetic dreaming! That means you, and especially our children, can receive revelation as to what is coming in the future through your dreams!
But How?
- The first key is to recognise and value that God still speaks to His people in the night hours while they slumber upon their beds! The more you value something as of God, the more God is justified in granting you frequent prophetic dreams.
- The second key is to be completely shrouded in the Spirit of God before you go to sleep. This means read the word of God and pray.
- The third key and probably the most important is to constantly guard the gateway of your soul. You’ve probably heard it said that “the eyes are the window to the soul”. Jesus said the same thing and this is the key to unlocking the window to the future through dreams and visions.
The lamp of the body is the eye. When your eye is in single focus, sound, and fulfilling its function, also your whole body is well lighted. But when it is pernicious, also your body is full of darkness. Be constantly scrutinising yourself therefore lest the light which is in you is darkness. Therefore, assuming that your whole body is well lighted, not having any part full of darkness, the whole shall be full of light as when the lamp by its bright shining illuminates you.
Luke 11:34-36
The Mystery of Dreams & the New Anointing
Dreams (and visions) are ocular events by design! We view them. We see them. But if we are not guarded as to what we allow to enter our “vision field” then things that are not of the Spirit of God will darken our ability to dream prophetic dreams.
There is a wave of anointing coming now to raise up a generation of dreamers! Those who will see the future in their dreams and unlock some of the greatest secrets of the universe.
Massive innovation shifts in technology and energy are going to be uncovered by men and women in the Kingdom through dreams that the Spirit is going to inspire.
Take note especially of you children’s dreams. God is moving amongst the children of the Kingdom and placing into them prophetic dreams that tell the future!
All you need to become a prophetic dreamer is the earnest desire for God to pour out His Spirit upon you and for you to grab a hold of this message from the Throne of God and ask for this anointing!
Our Dream Interpretation Portal is still available online. It is pretty unique and has been a blessing to countless Dreamers. We receive hundreds of requests and I attend to each request personally, so please be patient for my response.
Send us your dreams and find out if you’ve been the recipient of a message from Heaven!
Keep dreaming!